Ayurveda works on the belief earth, water, fire, air and space make up the universe and that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Good health is achieved when your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony with the universe. The primary focus of Ayurvedic medicine is to promote good health, rather than fight disease. Anything that affects your physical, spiritual, or emotional well-being can cause you to be out of balance with the universe. Some things that can cause a disruption include:
Genetic or birth defects, Injuries, Climate and seasonal changes, Age and Emotions
How your body works to keep you healthy and your unique physical and psychological characteristics combine to form your body's constitution, or prakriti. Your prakriti is believed to stay the same for your entire life. However, how you digest food and eliminate waste can influence it.
Every person is made of a combination of five basic elements found in the universe:

Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth
These elements combine in the human body to form three life forces or energies, called doshas. They control how your body works. The three doshas are:


The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. In the classic Ayurveda books it is quoted that other doshas are lame without the help of vata. The elements combine with Ether and Air in dominance to form what is known in Ayurveda as Vata Dosha Vata dominates the lower part of the body, which is below umbilicus. The movements of body fluid, metabolism, elimination of waste products, relaying stimulus to brain and response to organs and tissues, heart beat, respiration, body movements etc are assisted by VATA. Vata dominated regions are intestines, lumbar region, ears, bones and skin.


The elements with Fire and Water in dominence combine to form the Pitta Dosha . The Pitta Dosha is responsible for the process of transformation or metabolism. The transformation of foods into nutrients that our bodies can assimilate is an example of a Pitta function. Pitta is also responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems as well as cellular metabolism.


Finally, it is predominantly the water and earth elements, which combine to form the Kapha Dosha. Kapha is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. It also offers protection, for example, in form of the cerebral-spinal fluid, which protects the brain and spinal column. The mucosal lining of the stomach is another example of the function of Kapha Dosha protecting the tissues.
When the three Doshas are well harmonised and function in a balanced manner, it results in good nourishment and well-being of the individual. But when there is imbalance or disharmony within or between them, it will result in elemental imbalance, leading to various kinds of ailments. The Ayurvedic concept of physical health revolves round these three Doshas and its primary purpose is to help maintain them in a balanced state and thus to prevent disease.
Everyone inherits a unique mix of the three doshas. One dosha is usually more dominant. Each dosha controls a different body function. It is believed that your chances of getting sick are linked to the balance of your doshas.
History of Ayurveda could be found in the ancient books of wisdom known as the Vedas. In Rig Veda, the oldest of the vedas, over 60 Ayurvedic preparations were mentioned that could be used to help an individual in overcoming various ailments. The Rig Veda was written over 6,000 years ago, but really Ayurveda has been around even longer than that. Ayurveda is more than just a medical system. It is a Science of Life.
Ayurveda is a science in the sense that it is a complete system. It is a qualitative, holistic science of health and longevity, a philosophy and system of healing the whole person, body and mind. This system evolved at a time when philosophy and medicine were not separated; hence philosophical views have strongly influenced the Ayurvedic way of thinking.
The word, Ayurveda, derived from the ancient Indian language, Sanskrit, means "Knowledge of Life". Ayurveda's basic principle is the concept that you are capable of taking charge of your own life and healing.
As per Ayurveda there are three main energies that combine to form all things in the universe. These are recognized as being fundamental to all life and are seen in the processes of growth, maintenance, and decay. Their actions are named anabolism, metabolism, and catabolism in the western sciences.


Ayurvedic techniques include

  • YOGA

    including the use of mantras


    including combining herbs with metals, minerals or gems (known as rasha shastra medicines) that can take the form of pellets, tablets and powders of various colours and scents)


    (‘five actions’) – a specialised treatment consisting of five therapies which are meant to detoxify the body and balance the doshas (in Ayurveda, the body’s three vital energies)

Ayurveda Treatments


Panchakarma Treatments

Pancha means five and karma means treatment. There are five main therapies used to purify the body. A thorough consultation is a must prior undergoing Panchakarma treatment. Panchakarma treatments are bio cleansing regimes intended to eliminate the toxic elements from the body and thereby enhances the immunity of the body. Great for anti-ageing, weight reduction, purifying the skin, acne, dermatitis, fertility treatment, high cholesterol, IBS, Adrenal fatigue, mental fatigue, stress, depression, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, neurological ailments, chronic and long standing disease condition.The following are the various procedures of Panchakarma:

  • Vamana - Therapeutic Emesis
  • Virechana - Therapeutic Purgation
  • Anuvasana basti - Medicated oil enema
  • Niruha basti - Medicated herbal decoction enema
  • Nasya - administration of Ayurvedic medicines through the nostrils

Kerala is the most preferred destination for experiencing the healing and wellness of authentic Ayurveda. Places with moderately cold climate and natural diversities of nature with beauty and calmness are preferred for the Ayurvedic treatments, because all pre therapeutic procedures are basically thermogenic (simultaneous oleation and sudation therapies which increases the body heat and if the environmental temperature is high, it will result in total body exhaustion) and the natural diversity will boost the psychosomatic relaxation and there by therapeutic efficacy.

Internal medication can be prescribed along with Panhakarma treatments for the total management of diseases and other wellness prescriptions. The internal medication can be in seven dosage forms; namely, Gulika(Tablets),Choorna(Powder),Kashaya (Herbal extract),Arista and Asava (Fermented products),Thaila(Medicated oil),Grita(Medicated ghee) and Leha (Chewing). Elaborate numbers of herbal combinations are in practice which are claimed to be classical and proprietary. More than 250 different medicinal herbs are used for manufacturing the ayurvedic formulations in the seven dosage forms.

Course of Panchakarma Treatments

Ayurveda always prescribe a course of Panchakarma Treatments with a minimum of 7 days duration and a maximum of 28 days for the wellness and for the treatment of diseases, it may vary in accordance with the chronic nature of the diseases. The duration of 7 days and its multiplies – 7, 14, 21 and 28 are truly the divisions of time in line with the lunar cycle. The influence of the lunar cycle in the bio-rhythm of the human body has also been taken in to consideration while fixing the duration of the course of Ayurveda Panchkarma Treatments. Similarly the time of administration of the therapeutic treatments in a day is also very important

Abhyanga - Traditional Ayurvedic Massage Includes Authentic Ayurvedic steam chamber.

The most common and important rejuvenating Ayurvedic massage therapy beginning with a shoulder then head massage followed by the whole body incorporating acupressure (Marma) points, including hands and feet finishing with the face using warm medicated herbal oil generously applied from head to toe, specially selected by the therapist to match your individual body type. The Warm oil deeply penetrates into the cells and releases toxins which are then further released in a traditional Ayurvedic herbal Steam chamber Some benefits include - Relaxes muscles; Detoxify the body; Improves the symptoms of rheumatism; Increases circulation; Reduces joint stiffness; Relieves fatigue; Reduces the signs of aging; Promotes deep sleep; Creates a glowing lustre to the skin


“Shiro” means head and “dhara” means continuously pouring liquid. Shirodhara is a therapy which consists of pouring warm medicated oil continuously in a steady and rhythmic motion over the forehead. The oil runs over the temple, scalp and down through the hair, inducing restorative sensations as the person drifts into the sub-conscious mind. Depending on the body type and season, oil / milk / buttermilk/herbal decoctions can be used to enhance the therapeutic benefit of this treatment.
Some benefits include – Insomnia; Migraine; Anxiety; High blood pressure; Deep relaxation to the central nervous system; Regulates and activates the nervous system; Harmonizes the hormonal system.


A specialised herbal treatment of the entire body for weight reduction done in 6 different positions, using special medicinal powders massaged on the skin. Dry powders or herbal paste (depending on dosha/body type) are used in this treatment to stimulate the circulatory system and break down the subcutaneous fat under the skin whilst improving the complexion and texture of the skin.
Some benefits include - Weight reduction; Reducing blood cholesterol; Improves the circulatory system; Strengthens tones the skin and muscles.

Kati Vasti

In this process specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with herbal paste boundary built in the sacral region with black gram dough. This treatment lasts for 45 minutes to 1 hour  This treatment helps in the relief of lower back pain.
Some benefits include - Relives back pain and stiffness; Is also very helpful in Prolapsed disc; Lumbar spondylitis; Osteoporosis; Sciatica; Neck and Knee issues.


Medicated oil / herbal decoction /herbal smoke is administered into nostrils, one after the other. Complete facial and chest steam is given before this treatment to ensure less congestion in the lungs and the airways and gargling with lukewarm water is given after the procedure.
Some benefits include - helps to reduce Sinusitis, and Migraine

Netra Tarpana

A special treatment for eye ailments. A special bund is constructed around the eyes and medicated ghee (Clarified butter or herbal decoction is allowed to sit inside the bund for 20- 30 mins. As and when the temperature of the ghee or decoction drops the therapist replenishes it.
Some benefits include - Relives the eyestrain; Provides a cooling effect to irritation in the eyes; Purity and clearer vision to eyesight; Improve the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.


Navarakkizhi involves massaging of the body with small linen bags filled with Navara (Shastika), after a liberal application of medicated oils. Depending on the kind of disease, this massage is preceded or followed by Pizhichil.
This particular treatment is very well known in Kerala, India, where the ancient martial art Kalari originated.
Navarakkizhi is also of great benefit to those with atrophy of the muscles, arthritis, weakness of the extremities, tremors and fibromyalgia. Healthy individuals will benefit from this treatment's anti-aging effects and its ability to prevent disease


This whole body deep muscle massage with oil is a very relaxing technique. It gives all the benefits of Abhyanga and tones the muscles. Uzhichil regulates the flow of energy within the body and improves circulation.


A King among the traditional therapies and a specialty of Kerala, this therapy is divine, a beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation). The whole body is subjected to streams of lukewarm medicated oil with simultaneous soft massage. Enormous amount of medicated oil is used.
Some benefits include - Protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life; Reducing rheumatic diseases arthritis joint pain blood pressure and anxiety; Prevent and alleviate skeletal and muscular ailments and arrests the aging process.


Warm medicated oil is kept over the chest for 45 minutes. An effective treatment for asthma, other respiratory problems, heart diseases and muscular chest pain.


This is fomentation with medicated cow milk. This treatment is good for facial paralysis, Bell's palsy, speech disorders and other nervous disorders of the face